
Lake Titicaca:Mysterious body of water with floating Islands


 Lake Titicaca, where is this mysterious lake located?

The mysterious, beautiful Lake lies high atop the Andes mountains, along the boundary between Peru and Bolivia.

This incredible body of water is massive.


Lake Titicaca Depth

 It is the most amazing significant group of traversable water on the planet

(3,800 meters or 12,500 feet in height) and the biggest Lake in South America.

The Lake is split into two sections: The significant Lake called Chucuito, with a surface of 6450km, and the minor Lake called Huiñamarca,

with a surface of 2112km. It is the tallest and most navigable Lake on the planet.

Lake Titicaca is one of the most famous and intriguing travel destinations in South America. Lake Titicaca location, 

Approx 60 percent of the lake is in Peru, and 40 percent in Bolivia. Yet, this lake is still undiscovered, and research teams still find so many remarkable relics. It is awe-inspiring.

Quechua Woman and Child of Lake Titicaca

How to pronounce Lake Titicaca?

layk ti·tee·kaa·kuh

Lake Titicaca, meaning?

Lake Titicaca “The Mount of Puma”

In the old Quechua language, Titi can be deciphered as Puma. While Kaká can be interpreted in Aymara as “Dark or Grey” and in Quechua as “Mountain” or “Rock.”
Be that as it may, most call it The Mount of the Puma.
From this ancient language Puma, and Caca, which means mount; this name is a token of the cats or felines that lived very long ago near Lake Titicaca. As indicated by the locals who inhabit the Lake, something very intriguing is that when you put your map upside down, yes, turn it upside down. You will notice a puma eating a rabbit. Not sure if I would like to look at that image personally, but it is a part of the locals’ history.

Lake Titicaca, or El Lago Titicaca, was formed significantly around 60 million years prior. An enormous earthquake hit the Andes Mountains, splitting them into two parts. Making a vast empty space. The space loaded up with water from liquefying glacial masses, making Lake Titicaca as we know it today. The amazing wonder of the planet.

Lake Titicaca, is a very powerful phrase, to say the least. However, English is my first language. So I thought it was a power word. when I first learned of it. Something I would hear in my meditation or yoga class in California.
I am not sure if anyone knows 100% the absolute meaning, but here is the data I have researched. Unfortunately, there are different translations to the meaning even among local people who live on Lake Titicaca.


Lake Titicaca is made up of fresh water.

Some of the inhabitants still drink the lake water. This Lake was pure and divine. From what I understand, the water was radiant blue. Made from melted glaciers back then, the water would be out of this world when it was pristine. But, unfortunately, a significant amount of pollution is dumped in the Sacred Lake. Sorry to burst your bubble, but the Lake is being contaminated daily.


Researchers say a significant part of the Lake Titicaca contamination is domestic from tourism and modern waste from the close-by urban communities of La Paz and El Alto-in streams that channel into the Lake. The good news is that international aid has invested millions into cleaning up. The Lake is classified as a World Heritage site, and Peru and Bolivia are joining forces to combat the toxins and clean up. Happy to know countries are joining together to clean up one of the most majestic treasures of the planet. This is a part of ancient history, and many feel it is very sacred, including myself. People visit from every country in the world to experience Lake Titicaca.


There are so many rivers that empty into Lake Titicaca, about 25 of them total.

The biggest, the Ramis, depleting around two-fifths of the whole Titicaca Basin, enters the north-western corner of the Lake. One of the smaller rivers, the Desaguadero, channels the Lake at its southern end. This single outlet exhausts just about 5% of the Lake’s overabundance water; the rest is lost by dissipation under the fierce sun and solid breezes of the dry Altiplano.

The weather in Lake Titicaca varies greatly. 

If you plan a trip, it would be best to plan according to your temperature preferences. Peru does have seasons, wet and dry; however, nearby atmospheric conditions fluctuate significantly in a country as geologically different as Peru.
The hottest month (with the most elevated average high temperature) is November (18.8°C). Months with the most minimal average high temperature are June and July (16°C). The month with the most noteworthy average low temperature in January (3.6°C). The coldest month (with the most reduced average low temperature) is July (- 7.5°C).


April to October is the dry season for Lake Titicaca and Peru as a whole and by large. During this season, you can expect blue skies and a lower opportunity of a downpour of rain. However, its high height implies it can, in any case, be crispy cold, particularly around evening time.
Although Lake Titicaca is in the Andes mountain range at a high rise, the Lake doesn’t freeze.
Most people do not swim in the Lake unless they can stand the cold water. The temperature roundabout takes on the icy 50ºF to 57ºF (10ºC to 14ºC). Too chilly for me!

 Lake Titicaca is home to more than 530 aquatic species documented.


Lake Titicaca’s fish populace is made up essentially of killifish and catfish.

Not all of them are native, though. In 1939 trout were brought into the Lake; they have prospered and are a primary source of revenue and gourmet for nearby individuals.


What’s really interesting is A 400-million-year-old ancestor of today’s sharks was found near Lake Titicaca.

The fossil was unearthed at Imarrucos, northwest of Lake Titicaca.
Science students from the State University of Puno in southern Peru discovered the remains of a prehistoric shark. Now that is so wild to imagine a shark up in the Andes lake?

Really interesting to think of the many changes our earth has transformed into.

Lake Titicaca Frog

Titicaca Water Frog. The scientific name is “Telmatobius Culeus”.


Titicaca water frog is an enormous frog.

It is entirely aquatic and found in the Lake Titicaca bowl, including streams.

It has very unreasonable skin mass folding over its body. Fascinating creature. I am sure all this skin has a purpose.

Lake Titicaca  AND the Floating Islands

Has approx 41 Islands that are man-made.lake-titicaca

Uros Islands of Lake Titicaca are a gathering of 41 artificial man-made drifting islands found simply 5km east of Puno’s harbor. They are the site of the top vacation-seeing spots. There is nothing similar to them to be found elsewhere on the planet.

To visit the islands, you need to go to Puno harbor, where you can take a tour boat or employ a private boat. For the most part, visitors leave promptly toward the beginning of the day from 7am until late evening. The standard visit requires around two hours.


 Lake Titicaca Floating Uros islands indicate they were initially built for taxation purposes by the locals. 

The Uros first settled on the shores of the Lake thousands of years ago. During Inca times, they built the islands as a way to escape the aggressive Incas and their heavy tax system that burdened the Uros. Many Uros still live on these islands as many natives choose to follow the island lifestyle, continuing their ancestry tradition.

Lake Titicaca floating Islands made from local reed.


These islands are made of totora, a thick reed bountiful in Lake Titicaca. The islands are made by twisting the reeds over as they develop and routinely stacking them onto the top layer as it spoils down. Strolling on the outer layer of these islands has been contrasted with stepping on a waterbed. Definitely, an experience to put on your bucket list!

 Islands of Lake Titicaca made by natural causes.

The Island of the Sun


Isla del Sol territory is rough with many slopes and has around 800 families who earn enough to pay the rent from farming, fishing, and the travel industry. Situated on the Bolivian side of the Lake. Island of the Sun is one of the largest Islands on the Lake. There are no cars or paved roads on this Island. Island of the Sun possesses a significant spot in Inca folklore; it was where Viracocha made the Sun or Inti, the most worshipped God in the Inca religion. They believed the sun god was actually born there. I will be talking about this one specific Island later for a reason. So mentally, file this one away.
There are numerous amounts of ancient ruins on the Island. They have counted over 180 of them.
This dates back to the Inca period approx, the 15th century AD. There is also a very Sacred Rock, a labyrinth-like building called Chinkana.

Island of the Moon

Isla de la Luna, an island in Bolivia’s La Paz tourism department. It’s east of Isla del Sol (“Island of the Sun”). Legends in Inca folklore allude to the Island where Viracocha created the construction of the moon. It is approx 6 KM away from the Island of the Sun. There is a sacred site there called the Temple of the Priestess. 


Taquille Island

Isla Taquille is unique concerning different islands. It is found 35 km east of Puno and is possessed by approx 2000 individuals. This Island was used as a prison during Spanish Colonialism. Then In 1970, the Island became the property of the Taquile. lake-titicaca

They have inhabited the island since then.

Taquileans are also known for offering travelers their homes for tourist visits, transportation, and restaurants. The view is untainted by present-day life, encompassed by snow pinnacles of the Andes, and the solid high country daylight against the Lake gives a feeling of quietness.

The people living on Taquile are on the UNESCO Cultural Heritage of Humanity list.

The textile art is rare and cannot be found anywhere else, produced by men and women.

Island Amantani

The Island is known for its hand-crafted works, mainly its material fabrics and ceramics.
The Island has a surface of around 10 km2. There are no Inns except for certain families that offer housing.


The Inca Empire thrived in the South American mainland from 1438. Then the Spanish came to the area in 1533. From around 1200 to 1438, the Incas were
viewed as a developed clan, possessing a region of 800,000 sq km or 308,882 sq mi. Around 1438, the Incas began extending, retaining adjoining areas and joining their way of life and practices into their own social orders, and turning into a realm. The development began when Sapa Inca Pachacutec came to a high position.

With the assistance of this child Topa Inca and his grandson Huayna Capac, they extended the realm, controlling an immense region known as the Tawantinsuyu or Four United Kingdoms. They made Cusco, the consecrated city, its capital.

The Incan domain arrived at its top in 1527 under the rule of Sapa Inca Huascar, covering a region of 2 million sq. km. or 772,204 sq. miles that stretched out to introduce today’s Peru, Quito, Ecuador, and part of Colombia toward the north; Bolivia toward the east and Santiago, Chile and part of Argentina toward the south.

They found something at the bottom of Lake Titicaca.

Since the time the Inca lived in this region, the Lake has attracted interest, stories, and mysteries. There are so many legends an entire book could be written on the topic.

Many folklore stories emerged over the years about the Inca Treasures lost by the Spanish and a submerged city.
In 1968 well-known French explorer Jacques Cousteau embraced a one and a half month submerged investigation.

Jacques Cousteau’s campaign didn’t track down the lost city however brought out different assortments not found elsewhere on the planet.
However, other Scientific explorers did find some big things.

In Lake Titicaca, they viewed ancient ruins

of what showed up as a 660-foot long, 160-foot vast religious Temple and an old road going back 1,000 to 1,500 years prior; the ancient findings are tied to the Tiwanaku culture.

Their conclusion was that the Temple exists, but it is not an entire submerged city. It is similar to a profound spiritual contribution to the gods of the ancient civilization. This was close to the Island of the sun and the Island of the moon. Explorers have additionally found gold pieces and carvings.
Experts say some of the submerged structures found might have been dwellings while others were religious or spiritual sites.
This leads us to the next topic regarding Lake Titicaca.

Lake Titicaca and Mysterious Flying Objects

Yes, you heard this correctly. There have been numerous sitings in Lake Titicaca.

There are many reports from witnesses that have been investigated.
The eyewitnesses claim that UFOs fly in and out of the lake. I would love to see this, to be honest. Dining on a local cuisine on the deck, my toto reed house Airbnb, basking under the moon, stars, and a light show of aliens flying aircrafts above my head. How wild would that be?


In 2001, the Peruvian government started investigating files and eyewitness stories with footage of a sphere of light. Which they call “anomalous aerial phenomena.” They have since closed down. Then in 2013, it was reported that a flying object crashed into Lake Titicaca in Peru. A local news station captured the event as well. While the thing entered the atmosphere and slowly descended into a fierce burning blaze.

Mystery Kundalini Energy of the planet is rising from the Island of the Sun in Lake Titicaca…

Now every 13,000 years, this takes place.
Our Earth’s Kundalini energy moves from one place in the planet’s core and then moves across the surface of our world. Starting as far back as ancient Lemuria, it moved to Atlantis, then to the Himalayan mountains of India and Tibet. Every relocation, it changes our idea of what spiritual means.
2012, the Earth’s Kundalini shifted from the Himalayas to the Andes mountains of Chile and Peru.
What’s fascinating is around that time, Chile and Peru had significant earthquakes.


I have read some fascinating books on this subject and, at the end of the post, will add some links to things you might find interesting. Study wise for travel, energy, and flights.
Maybe even some yoga you can do that activates and uplifts your kundalini if you would like to visit Peru and go all in.

Okay, so according to the ancient masters, we all have kundalini energy. This energy is coiled at the bottom of our spine. It raises as we ascend. Pretty cool stuff. I had my experience, and it was intense. It felt like heat. I was in a yoga class in Los Angeles, minding my own business and chanting some mantras. A typical day in Los Angeles. I felt a burning sensation up my legs and spine. I had intense fear, to be honest. Had no idea what was happening to me. Then after class, some students casually said, “your kundalini is rising.” So obviously, I started studying the topic. I found out the earth has its own kundalini energy. Like in Sedona, I read about the vortices and things of this nature. But nothing really in detail.

I read some books on Lake Titicaca and the Kundalini earth energy.

It made sense that people look to spirituality wherever the kundalini energy is rising. It used to be only the holy men of India and Gurus.
Then all of a sudden, in the mainstream, it became Shamans and Peru’s Mayan Calendar. I found out that the earth is going through a photon light belt and the milky way, increasing the light in our DNA. The suns’ spots are shifting with more intense energy. Reading everything I could get my hands on, the research showed the Mayan calendar ended on a cycle. It would have been nice to read that before packing my things.
Ancient teachings state that everyone in a 700-mile radius of the earth’s Kundalini energy will be shifted into a higher vibrational state.

Well, that is very intriguing.

Maybe that’s why all the Gurus and Tibetan Monks stayed up in the Himalayas to meditate when the kundalini was rising from there. I am sure it is peaceful there in the Himalayas. No traffic or pollution. It brings me serenity just pondering this lifestyle.

Lake Titicaca’s elevation is very high at about  12,507 feet (3,812 meters) in the Andean Altiplano. So it is recommended you rest a bit before traveling around.

A good reason to dine and relax if you need an excuse to take care of yourself. I know sometimes I need excuses to rest.

Puno is the city on Lake Titicaca.


 There is long-distance transport that runs to this transport hub. Boats will transport you to the islands. The buses and private car hiring take you along the Titicaca shoreline.

So now you have read about the lake and decided you want to go.

Traveling to Lake Titicaca by plane.

You can travel by plane to the city of Juliaca in Peru. The airport is Inca Manco Capac International Airport. There are daily flights. Servicing Cusco, Arequipa, and Lima. 

You would fly into a major city in Peru, then to Juliaca airport to Lake Titicaca.

 I have found some local airlines. The ones listed have daily flights if you want to get around faster and just plane hop around the country. The rates are better to fly into Lima versus Cusco. Although both airports offer international flights, Lima regularly provides much better deals on flights no matter where you are flying from globally.


Here are a couple of local airlines that I have found:


Avianca They are in the Star Alliance program

Taking a bus to Lake Titicaca.

There are private bus companies that offer service to and from Lake Titicaca.

This is an excellent service for the adventurous at heart. The bus is very comfortable and offers some great scenic stops along the way. There are also luxury bus tours. How great is that? Fine dining, luxury transportation, and epic views. 

 La Paz to Lake Titicaca takes approx 3 hours and offers some gorgeous scenery along the way.

 Lima to Lake Titicaca will take approx 18-20 hours. Depending on your driver and weather conditions.

Peru’s leading operator for bus lines that I have found, seems to be Machu Travel Peru. They have been highly rated for safety and luxury. They have weekly tours and day tours.


There are many options for your stay at Lake Titicaca. You can stay with the locals at Airbnbs that I have found online, or you can stay in a 5-star hotel. There are luxury hotels on the lakeside as well.

Also for the vegetarians, there is Hotel Puno.

Hotel Puno Terra

 Puno Terra is not a luxury resort. It is beautiful in other ways. However, it does offer healthy vegan meals and outstanding service. You can practice yoga and meditation every day. Surrounded by beauty and nature. This hotel is a breath of fresh air!

Retreats for Lake Titicaca

 There is a retreat with Angel, who has been in the healing arts and is very seasoned in all types of yoga and restoration. The retreat is 6 days and 5 nights. The retreat is seasonal. April 4th through the 9th and Sept. 27 thru Oct 2. Make sure to check before you go.

Meditation Retreat Center

The Meditation Retreat Peru Center is located on the island Amantani and cooperates with a local family, running the place, offering comfortable accommodation, and preparing delicious vegetarian food. In addition, the sweet and welcoming spirit of your guest family makes your stay there a true pleasure. 


Things you can bring for your visit and packing for the adventure.

If you’re staying with the Islanders, they run off solar, so I would bring a flashlight just in case. Plus, this is always good to carry while exploring globally. They have mini ones that fit in your pocket and are high-powered. Solar charger for your phone. Nice fluffy warm jackets or a north face is ideal for trekking. The temperature falls low in the evenings.

Cell phones and cell coverage of Lake Titicaca?

Now with cell phone coverage, there is no guarantee.

No one is sure who will have coverage. Just to let you know. However, they have rental phones in Peru, and you can always change your sim card if your phone has a dual sim. Tourist can purchase a SIM card at any Claro, Movistar, Entel, or Bitel counter. Sim cards you have to charge with credit. You can also buy a sim card in any major city in Peru.

Rental phones can be shipped to you before your trip as well.


I personally have two phones.

My American T-mobile smartphone Galaxy Note with all the bells and whistles. Then there is the techo, which is very basic but a dual sim card I can switch in and out when I travel to obscure places globally. The 2nd phone is only for travel and emergencies. Like calling moms to let her know I arrived when I trekk far out on the globe.

Every time you change sims, the number changes, so there is no point in giving it out.

This came in handy when traveling through Africa in South Sudan to swap sims.

I had to purchase this phone in Africa, in the city of Kampala, because I did not have coverage in Uganda. I couldn’t even call my friend to pick me up. Thank God she sent a driver anyway. I had just flown 18 hours and had no way of contacting anyone. 

So, hence lesson learned, travel phone and smartphone always.

Well, thank you for reading this journey to Lake Titicaca.

If I find out more information, I will add it to this piece written for you.

May all your journeys be fun and filled with life-changing magical experiences.


Tsar Imperia

Alternative medicine practitioner, licensed in medical, and clinical hypnotherapy, yogic instructor, and spiritual guidance counselor for those seeking to transform and expand in consciousness. The journey begins with you : ) Instagram @tsarimperia

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